About Me
Hi. My name is Robert. I'm part country boy, part modern suburbanite. My interests are varied, my hobbies diverse, and my skill set is wide. My career focus has been in computers -- I've been programming them for longer than some of my visitors have been alive.
Aside from my penchant for computers, I've also studied extensively in martial arts, health and fitness, organic food production, and dabbled in at least a thousand other things. There's enough interesting topics in the world to keep me busy for several lifetimes.
About this website
So why do I have a website? Well ... why wouldn't I? This website has been around since back before the dot-com craze, before the Y2K debacle, even before Google became a household name. This has been my internet "home" during my days as an independent consultant, my days of domain hosting, and many years of programming for various companies.
Now this website serves as a gateway to some of my more interesting activities. Follow the links on the tabs above to see some of them.